Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who is running India?? Money or principles

Yesterday, 22nd July,2008 will be remembered as an eventful day,where whole country witnessed sheer act of diplomacy which was driven by lust to be in power by the Congress.The parliament became a bargaining stage where money was distributed like nothing .
I have always hated politics, and after yesterday's poor show, i have decided to stay from it as far as possible. Sometimes , i feel what is India , as a country heading for. Who are the drivers?? The money minded politicians, greedy political parties who have only one aim of being in power..fill their always empty potbellies with money whose hunger never ends..The politics ' dirty face has come open in public, thanks to the increasing power of media.
Now, i have made up my mind of not supporting any party, though i support Nuclear Deal. I wish , that we have a saviour for our country who is willing to drive it by principles n not by money. But is it possible!! Can principles be more powerful than money!!

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